Photo Collages by Katy Lucy Wilson Photo collages have the potential to explore the incongruity between appearance and reality. While we seem to convince ourselves that truth lies in the empirical world, it is through my work that I reveal the fragmented nature of our surroundings. Since the invention of mechanized time, it seems that life is a composite of static moments linked closely to create the illusion of continuous motion. Our notion of self is based on these impressions. Our actions are dictated by past observations and experiences, actions and their effect. Today we are besieged by repetitive exposure to complex images in the media. The memory of our own observations can be overwhelmed by the media's onslaught, our memory and sense of self has been illussified by this. I work to reinforce my sense of being by creating compounded images of observation. I hope to help others notice and remember more than the images that the media throws at them. Look around and observe, notice that each moment is different, yet always the same. In my work I question the idea of permanent occupation of space and time. When we move through our environment we have subjective perceptions, constantly changing perspectives and views of our surroundings and those who share our space. Observe: all things are relative, and as one moves, things change. I shoot multiple images of my surroundings or objects and combine them to create a single image that encompass multiple moments, observations of the ephemeral in everyday, memories of being. - Katy Lucy Wilson | |