Luxcollective Gallery / Loft 401
Angela Baroumes, Paintings
Angela Baroumes holds an Associates Degree in Art, a Bachelors Degree in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health & Healing. The artist is a Seattle native with a passion for travel, mysticism and discovery. She has traveled extensively through Mexico, Europe and Asia, translating her love of exotic peoples, spiritual practices and landscapes onto her canvas.
Angela's colorful palette and figurative images can best be described as spontaneous, archetypal and transcendent. Recent ventures into mixed-medium/encaustics explore the juxtaposition of ancient themes in modern times. Her art serves as metaphorical mirrors for self contemplation, illumination and enjoyment.
Through the sharing of art, Angela's intention is to attune to and inspire a growing sense of wonder, wisdom, peace and beauty in the heart of each viewer. She currently serves as a Board member at the Art Not Terminal Gallery, exhibits at various Seattle galleries and retail shops and receives commissions to produce intuitive art for personal empowerment and manifestation. Having recently sold to her first international buyer, Angela envisions increased future opportunities to share her art across the globe.Regan Macstravic, Photography
If you've lived in Seattle for long, you've probably seen some of Regan's work -- his photographs have been featured in publications from the Seattle Weekly and The Seattle Times to the Washington Athletic Club members' magazine and the now-defunct Northwest On Stage, as well as on posters and flyers pitching the musical and theatrical exploits of groups all over town for years. If you've been to the Red Stripe Art Walk before, you'll be pleased to find a couple of new pieces gracing Regan's walls this month, as well as some newly-matted and framed pieces that you may have only seen unmounted before. If you've never been, you should make a point to mark it in your calendar from now on -- what better way to spend the first thursday of every month?