Luxcollective Gallery / Loft 401
Jason Daniels - Paintings
The creative process and exploration are the main reasons I make art. Just looking for and finding things to use in the process is like a cryptic scavenger hunt. Many times I let the materials dictate what I do with them. I like seeing the beauty in decay and evidence of the passage of time. Accidentally discovering something fortunate while looking for something else entirely is a goal with each piece I undertake.
Oil paint, pencil, pen, computer, glue, charcoal, spray paint, photos, and found images are the media that are used to make most of my pieces. Sometimes I like to limit myself and keep the final image really simple while making the path to get there a little more involved.
There are no pre-thought out associations I expect the viewer to get out of my work. Drawing one's own conclusion from the combination of subject matter and execution of each piece is more than enough. I am just happy to share what I have made.